Saturday, February 16, 2008

Feelin' Flu

Straight away, I feel a twinge of guilt writing about my bout with the flu this week. Myles managed to tough his way through a 50 km ultra today. (Read about it on his blog, ). But I was watching the national and Albuquerque news last night, and both had stories about how many people had come down with the flu recently. This, is my story........

Last Sunday, I was planning on going for a long run. When I woke up, I didn't feel too perky. By the time I got around to going out, I'd bagged the idea of running and figured I'd do an easy recovery ride. I was gone for about an hour, and by the time I got home, I was feeling woozy. I started drinking juice with vitamin-C and gargling with mouthwash, but I could tell this was going to be around for a couple of days. Sure enough, I felt pretty crappy on Monday and Tuesday, but I felt like I might be coming out of it on Wednesday.

And then I woke up Thursday morning. Nauseous, sore throat, hacking cough, splitting headache, and every muscle in my body felt like I'd been run over by a truck. (Kind of the way I felt with six miles to go at IMAZ in 2006.) I literally tip-toed around at work, because it hurt to move. I got home at 4:00 and went to bed. At 9:30, I woke up, feeling pretty good. I got up and graded papers until midnight, figuring everything was going to be OK on Friday. I even gave a thought to getting in a swim or a run. However, I still didn't feel very chipper on Friday. At least I could walk without grimacing, and I was only coughing about once every ten minutes as opposed to Thursday where it was every 30 seconds or so.

So now it's Saturday. I feel great. I've been thinking, it's almost worth being sick so that you can experience the euphoria of feeling well again. And what the heck, we could all use a "recovery week" in our training schedules.

Then again, I don't ever want to feel as bad again as I felt on Thursday. Not during a race, and especially if I'm not racing.



skoshi said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I was ill and flu-ish this past December--and now I seem to be sick again.
Glad to hear how nice it feels not to be sick. I'm looking forward to it.
And, yes, Baboo really does seem to rise above the rest, doesn't he?

Bones said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. That flu has been going through the office for the the last several weeks. About half the staff has had it.

Recovery weeks are alwasy a good thing!